Minggu, 03 November 2013
Biodata Straw Hat Crew
biodata straw hat pirates
Biodata Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy
Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Age: 17
Birthdate: May 5
Height: 172 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Captain
Devil Fruit: Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Dream: find the One Piece and become pirate king.
Monkey D. Luffy
Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Age: 17
Birthdate: May 5
Height: 172 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Captain
Devil Fruit: Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Dream: find the One Piece and become pirate king.
appear to be very intelligent, often seeing things in childish manner
and can easily be amazed by the simplest things. tapi kuaaat, tak
suka banget makan, apalagi daging :3 ngga akan pernah berhenti makan tapi badan gendutnya sementara banget. suka ngejek orang padahal dia sebenernya ngga bisa lebih baik juga wkwk. suka bikin kesel crew straw hat pirates yg lain karna kebodohan, kepolosan, dan kelakuannya. tapi mereka respect juga sama dia karna kekuatan dan caranya memimpin. has an unstoppable sense of determination, optimism and commitment and will do anything to stand up for his friends and comrades. never kills any of the villains, no matter how cold-hearted they are.
suka banget makan, apalagi daging :3 ngga akan pernah berhenti makan tapi badan gendutnya sementara banget. suka ngejek orang padahal dia sebenernya ngga bisa lebih baik juga wkwk. suka bikin kesel crew straw hat pirates yg lain karna kebodohan, kepolosan, dan kelakuannya. tapi mereka respect juga sama dia karna kekuatan dan caranya memimpin. has an unstoppable sense of determination, optimism and commitment and will do anything to stand up for his friends and comrades. never kills any of the villains, no matter how cold-hearted they are.
Name: Roronoa Zoro
Age: 19
Age: 19
Birthdate: November 11
Height: 178 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Swordsman
Height: 178 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Swordsman
bodoh, buta arah, kuat, skilled swordsman, crew pertamanya luffy. kalo
serius, bandana ditangannya dia pake dikepala... dia satu-satunya crew
straw hat pirates yang pernah bunuh orang, nggak percaya sama Tuhan dan
siapapun hanya dirinya sendiri. dia cool tapi unlike robin, dia
bersikap konyol juga mungkin karna dia emang bodoh kali ya. kesukaannya
adalah tidur, tidur dan tidur. sampe mau guncangan sedahsyat apapun,
seberisik apapun, tetep aja tidurnya pules banget :-)) suka sekali sake
tapi ngga pernah mabuk. mungkin karna udah terlatih dia biasanya yang
nyadar kalo ada musuh duluan. dia selalu berlatih dimanapun dan kapapun
<3 ngga pernah kabur dari pertarungan juga~ very vigorous,
strong-willed, and determined ☺
Name: Nami
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 3
Height: 169 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously: Arlong Pirates)
Position: Navigator
cantik, manis, sexy, licik, pemarah, lucu :3 suka sekali harta. greedy and will do anything, aside from abandoning or killing her friends, for money. one of the less adventurous and brave members of the crew. yaaap straw-hat pirates punya 3 member dengan julukan the 3 weaklings :-) Usopp, Nami & Chopper. mereka bertiga emang penakut, selalu berusaha lari dari pertarungan, panikan, lemah? ya mungkin bisa dibilang juga, tapi lumayan kuat juga kok.
Name: Usopp
Age: 17
Birthdate: April 1
Height: 174 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Sniper
Likes: Being seen as a hero, lying about how great he is, the Going Merry.
Goal: become a proud and strong pirate like his father yassop of the red haired pirate crew (Shank's crew) banyak orang yang nggak suka dia, selain keegoisannya, suka bohong, pengecut, jelek lagi. punya banyak alat, jago nembak. suka berbohong dan iseng, dia suka banget ngebohongin luffy & chopper yang polos banget apalagi chopper yang percaya banget sama semua kata-kata orang. even though he is a complete coward in battle, he is a useful part to the straw hat pirates. dia juga nyamar jadi sogeking kalo lagi battle, semua orang sebenernya pasti nyadar kalo sogeking itu dia, tapi sekali lagi, chopper&luffy yang bodoh&polos banget itu nggak pernah nyadar kalo sogeking itu dia--" kalo jadi sogeking dia berani loh~ extremely handy and can fix almost anything B-) bahkan dia loh yang bikinin "clima tact" punya nami :---) has outstanding marksmanship abilities with his slingshot and is on his way to becoming one of the best snipers in the one piece world B)
Name: Sanji
Age: 19
Birthdate: March 2
Height: 177 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Cook
Goal: find the All Blue, a legendary ocean, which contains all the fish in the world. Zoro's biggest rival. mereka selalu berbeda pendapat, ngga suka satu sama lain, dan berantem terus, walaupun pastinya peduli satu sama lain ya orang nakama, 1 kelompok lagi. suka banget sama perempuan, mau seperti apapun perempuannya--' makannya dia suka banget sama nami&robin, tapi lebih suka banget banget sama nami. untuk bertarung biasanya dia menggunakan kakinya, ya karna dia chef jadi tangan itu penting. he has sworn to never let insult or injury happen to any woman while he can still stand, even if that woman is trying to kill him. gentle sekali ya :-) tapi ini suka jadi masalah karna dia ngga bakal lawan balik kalo lawannya cewek, dia lebih milih mati daripada ngelawan mereka--' dia cool banget tapi enggak kalo matanya udah berubah jadi ada love love nya--' baik, ngerti banget crew yang lain, especially usopp.
Tony Tony Chopper
Name: Tony Tony Chopper
Age: 15
Birthdate: December 24
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Doctor
Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no Mi (Human Human Fruit)
Type: Zoan
lucuuu, polos banget :3 one of the 3 weaklings' member hahah tapi dia kuat juga loh kalo udah ngerubah dirinya. dia selalu nganggep crew yang lain sebagai yang harus dia contoh, selalu kagum sama apapun apalagi sama perubahan-perubahan franky B-) believe anything told to him, even the outrageously fictitious and exaggerated lies of usopp. tidak seperti yang lainnya biasanya kalo dia minta makan selalu dibikin sanji. sanji dan yang lain juga sering godain dia, supaya kalo kekurangan bahan makanan, dia sebagai cadangan wkwk. dia dokter handal tapi alesan luffy gabungin dia di straw hat pirates bukan karna itu, tapi karna luffy mau di straw hat pirates ada 'cool reindeer that can transform' -_______-
Nico Robin
Name: Nico Robin
Age: 28
Birthdate: February 6
Height: 188cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously; Baroque Works)
Position: Archaeologist
Goal: become a proud and strong pirate like his father yassop of the red haired pirate crew (Shank's crew) banyak orang yang nggak suka dia, selain keegoisannya, suka bohong, pengecut, jelek lagi. punya banyak alat, jago nembak. suka berbohong dan iseng, dia suka banget ngebohongin luffy & chopper yang polos banget apalagi chopper yang percaya banget sama semua kata-kata orang. even though he is a complete coward in battle, he is a useful part to the straw hat pirates. dia juga nyamar jadi sogeking kalo lagi battle, semua orang sebenernya pasti nyadar kalo sogeking itu dia, tapi sekali lagi, chopper&luffy yang bodoh&polos banget itu nggak pernah nyadar kalo sogeking itu dia--" kalo jadi sogeking dia berani loh~ extremely handy and can fix almost anything B-) bahkan dia loh yang bikinin "clima tact" punya nami :---) has outstanding marksmanship abilities with his slingshot and is on his way to becoming one of the best snipers in the one piece world B)
Name: Sanji
Age: 19
Birthdate: March 2
Height: 177 cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Cook
Goal: find the All Blue, a legendary ocean, which contains all the fish in the world. Zoro's biggest rival. mereka selalu berbeda pendapat, ngga suka satu sama lain, dan berantem terus, walaupun pastinya peduli satu sama lain ya orang nakama, 1 kelompok lagi. suka banget sama perempuan, mau seperti apapun perempuannya--' makannya dia suka banget sama nami&robin, tapi lebih suka banget banget sama nami. untuk bertarung biasanya dia menggunakan kakinya, ya karna dia chef jadi tangan itu penting. he has sworn to never let insult or injury happen to any woman while he can still stand, even if that woman is trying to kill him. gentle sekali ya :-) tapi ini suka jadi masalah karna dia ngga bakal lawan balik kalo lawannya cewek, dia lebih milih mati daripada ngelawan mereka--' dia cool banget tapi enggak kalo matanya udah berubah jadi ada love love nya--' baik, ngerti banget crew yang lain, especially usopp.
Tony Tony Chopper
Name: Tony Tony Chopper
Age: 15
Birthdate: December 24
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Doctor
Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no Mi (Human Human Fruit)
Type: Zoan
lucuuu, polos banget :3 one of the 3 weaklings' member hahah tapi dia kuat juga loh kalo udah ngerubah dirinya. dia selalu nganggep crew yang lain sebagai yang harus dia contoh, selalu kagum sama apapun apalagi sama perubahan-perubahan franky B-) believe anything told to him, even the outrageously fictitious and exaggerated lies of usopp. tidak seperti yang lainnya biasanya kalo dia minta makan selalu dibikin sanji. sanji dan yang lain juga sering godain dia, supaya kalo kekurangan bahan makanan, dia sebagai cadangan wkwk. dia dokter handal tapi alesan luffy gabungin dia di straw hat pirates bukan karna itu, tapi karna luffy mau di straw hat pirates ada 'cool reindeer that can transform' -_______-
Nico Robin
Name: Nico Robin
Age: 28
Birthdate: February 6
Height: 188cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously; Baroque Works)
Position: Archaeologist
Devil Fruit: Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Type: Paramecia
Dream: find the True History written on the Rio Poneglyph.
cool, cantik, manis, pendiem, tertutup. salah satu devil fruit user juga di straw hat pirates selain chopper, luffy, brook. kemampuan yang dia dapet dari df nya, angota tubuhnya bisa jadi banyak tapi biasanya dia cuma tangan doang. selalu berpikir sebelum bertindak, pintar, world government juga takut sama dia makannya dia mau dibunuh. unlike the others, dia ngga bersikap konyol. cool banget, masa kecilnya sedih banget juga T_T
Name: Franky (real name : Cutty Flam)
Age: 34
Birthdate: March 9
Height: 225cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Shipwright
Dream: build a ship that would travel to the end of the Grand Line.
dia nggak sepenuhnya manusia, hampir seluruh tubuhnya itu cyborg, tapi dia masih bisa disebut manusia juga karna emang masih manusia. sebenernya mimpinya udah terwujud ya soalnya dia udah nyiptain thousand sunny kapal yang sekarang dipake straw hat pirates, tapi mimpinya belum terwujud karna mereka belum nyampe the end of the grand line :) cepet marah, tapi gampang banget tersentuh dan nangis--' sering bikin usopp, chopper, luffy terpana dengan alat-alat cyborg yang ada ditubuhnya *_*
Name: Brook
Age: 88
Birthdate: April 3
Height: 2m 66cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously, Rumbar Pirates)
Position: Musician
Devil Fruit: Yomi Yomi no Mi (Revive Revive Fruit)
Type: Paramecia yaaap seperti yang kalian lihat, dia bukan manusia. dia udah mati, tapi karna dia makan DF yang bikin dia bisa hidup 2 kali. suka ngelawak tapi garing cuma lucu aja liatnya--'
cool, cantik, manis, pendiem, tertutup. salah satu devil fruit user juga di straw hat pirates selain chopper, luffy, brook. kemampuan yang dia dapet dari df nya, angota tubuhnya bisa jadi banyak tapi biasanya dia cuma tangan doang. selalu berpikir sebelum bertindak, pintar, world government juga takut sama dia makannya dia mau dibunuh. unlike the others, dia ngga bersikap konyol. cool banget, masa kecilnya sedih banget juga T_T
Name: Franky (real name : Cutty Flam)
Age: 34
Birthdate: March 9
Height: 225cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Shipwright
Dream: build a ship that would travel to the end of the Grand Line.
dia nggak sepenuhnya manusia, hampir seluruh tubuhnya itu cyborg, tapi dia masih bisa disebut manusia juga karna emang masih manusia. sebenernya mimpinya udah terwujud ya soalnya dia udah nyiptain thousand sunny kapal yang sekarang dipake straw hat pirates, tapi mimpinya belum terwujud karna mereka belum nyampe the end of the grand line :) cepet marah, tapi gampang banget tersentuh dan nangis--' sering bikin usopp, chopper, luffy terpana dengan alat-alat cyborg yang ada ditubuhnya *_*
Name: Brook
Age: 88
Birthdate: April 3
Height: 2m 66cm
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously, Rumbar Pirates)
Position: Musician
Devil Fruit: Yomi Yomi no Mi (Revive Revive Fruit)
Type: Paramecia yaaap seperti yang kalian lihat, dia bukan manusia. dia udah mati, tapi karna dia makan DF yang bikin dia bisa hidup 2 kali. suka ngelawak tapi garing cuma lucu aja liatnya--'
Biodata Monkey D. LUFFY
Basic Crew Data
Current Number of Crew Members: 6
Desired Number of Crew Members: 10
Crew Members with Bounties: 3
Current Total Bounty of Crew Members: 239,000,000 Belly
Number of Islands Visited on Grand Line Route: 8
- Jobs Filled
- Captain
- Swordsman
- Navigator
- Thief
- Marksman
- Handyman
- Replacement Captain
- Cook
- Doctor
- Archeologist
- Positions Waiting to be Filled
- Musician
- Shipwright
- ???
Captain: Luffy D. Monkey*
Bounty: 100,000,000 Belly “Most Wanted Pirate in East Blue”(Formerly 30,000,000 Belly)
Age: 17
Birthday: May 5th
Height: 172cm/5’7”
Sign: Taurus
- Attributes-
- Adventuresome: 6
- Strength: 6
- Intelligence: 1
- Dexterity: 1
- Fashion Sense: 1
- Curiosity: 6
*Akuma no Mi(Devil’s Fruit): Gomu Gomu no Mi Gives Luffy the ability to stretch his body like rubber.
History of Luffy
Born in mystery, Luffy grew up with a desire to become the Pirate King by traveling to the end of Grand Line and retrieving One Piece the greatest treasure of the former Pirate King, Gold Roger. Very little is known about Luffy’s origin, and it has been proposed by some that his desire to become the Pirate King may be destiny rather than passion. Luffy’s other goal is to reunite with his childhood idol, Red-Haired Shanks. Shanks was a pirate of questionable status who was taking time off in East Blue at the village, which Luffy lived in, Fuschia Town. After Shanks had spent a year docked in town, at age 7, Luffy was convinced to join Shanks’ pirate crew and one day, standing atop Shanks’ ship, drove a dagger into his left cheek in order to prove his manliness. The wound would leave a scar he would carry for the rest of his life.
The same day he stabbed himself, Shanks’ men took Luffy drinking with them in a local bar. Just to have some fun, they teased and treated Luffy like a little kid, which frustrated him to no end. In his anger, he devoured a strange fruit lying in an open box on the bar counter top. Moments later, a mountain bandit named Higuma crashed Shanks’ party in the bar. He cockily promised not to hurt anyone, he just wanted to buy some wine. The barkeep Makino politely told him that there was no more, the pirates had just bought the last batch. Shanks happily offered his unopened bottle to Higuma, but the bandit broke the bottle with his fist as it lay in Shanks’ hand. Shanks ignored the bandit’s grim boast of having killed 56 men and began cleaning the broken glass from the floor. Higuma swept the countertop clean, sending a barrage of bottles and glasses smashing to the floor on top of Shanks. With that, Higuma called the pirates a crew of cowards and left. Almost instantly after the thief and his thugs took their leave, the pirate crew burst into laughter. But Luffy wasn’t laughing, instead he began screaming at Shanks for not standing up for himself. The captain understood Luffy’s anger but told him not to worry so much about a little spilt beer and wine. Luffy refused to accept the words from his idol and stormed away in a fury. Shanks grabbed his arm, only to watch it stretch across the room as Luffy tramped through the bar.
Fate played a part in that day for Luffy as the fruit he had just eaten a few minutes ago was a Devil’s Fruit, a mysterious fruit of unknown origins that grants whomever eats it unique powers. Luffy so happened to have devoured the Gomu Gomu Fruit that turned him into a rubber human capable of stretching to great lengths among other things. Of course Luffy creates many new and different techniques, but those all come later. There is one catch though, whomever eats a Devil’s Fruit will be unable to move or use any powers when submerged in water, and thereby drown. There are also other related weaknesses, but I’ll leave those as a secret for now.
Anyway, back to the story at hand. After reprimanding Luffy and telling him about what his life was going to be like, Shanks and his men headed out to sea for a bit. That didn’t really bother Luffy though, he was still angry with them for being cowards, plus he was having far too much fun with his new powers. Except for his ability to stretch like a rubber band, life had pretty much returned to normal for Luffy.
One day he was in Makino’s bar, discussing Shanks with her. He reiterated his disgust with Shanks for standing down. Makino commented that she thought it was cooler if a guy could take insults like that and smile afterwards. In the middle of their conversation, an old acquaintance came barging through the door, Higuma. He was pleased to see that the bar was empty and demanded beer. Before the gang had even begun drinking, Makino witnessed Luffy get in a fight with Higuma after the killer continued to bad-mouth Shanks. She bolted to get help while the criminal and his goons kicked, beat and punched the boy, fascinated that they weren’t damaging him much because of his rubber body. The village chief ran to the scene of the beating and begged Higuma and his men to let Luffy go, all the while the little rubber boy was spouting off insults and obscenities demanding that Higuma apologize for what he said. Fed up with the boy’s insults, Higuma decided to kill the boy but a man approached from the back of the crowd of villagers, “Well no one greeted us at the dock so we figured something was up.” Shanks and his crew had returned.
Shanks ignored the bandit and chided Luffy, “Didn’t you say your punch was going to be as strong as a pistol?” Again Shanks’ calm demeanor infuriated the bandits and one gang member pulled a gun on Shanks. The red-haired captain warned him that since he was using a gun, he had officially wagered his life. Instantly from out of nowhere, Shanks’ Officer Lucky Roo apathetically put a bullet through the bandit’s head while gnawing on a piece of meat. The bandits were taken back by the rash move but Shanks reminded them that they were, after all, pirates. Shanks told them that he can forgive anyone that makes light of him personally, but won’t forgive anyone unlucky enough to threaten his friends. The bandits called out a few nasty threats and then attacked. After putting his cigarette out on the head of the first one to reach him, Shanks’ Lieutenant Ben Beckman knocked out the entire gang with only the butt of his rifle.
Finding himself in quite a pickle, Higuma used a smoke bomb to escape with Luffy. Thinking that the pirates would instinctively search for him in the mountains (as he was a mountain bandit) Higuma felt quite clever that he had escaped to sea in a small boat. After reaching a point far out on the coast of Fuschia Town, Higuma kicked Luffy into the water and watched him begin to drown. But as Luffy struggled to stay above the water, a giant ominous shadow crept up behind the laughing bandit. Before he could even finish a sentence exclaiming his surprise, the sea serpent known as Lord of the Coast devoured Higuma and part of the boat in a single bite. Luffy screamed for help as the monster charged for him, mouth open, showing his sword-like teeth. As the monster closed his jaws, a figure grabbed Luffy and turned him away from the serpent. Shanks had appeared! Shanks stared at the serpent with eyes like a mad demon and told it to get lost. The gigantic monster did not even seem to think twice as it sped away. Shanks congratulated Luffy for standing up for him in his place, he even said he owed him one. But Luffy did not stop crying. Despite his idol’s smile and kind words, Luffy was too shocked that the serpent’s bite meant for him, had torn off Shanks’ left arm.
A short time later, Shanks left the town for good. He decided not to take the young boy with him, but instead gave Luffy his straw hat and made a promise with him. He told Luffy to return the hat to him one day if he really wanted to be the Pirate King. Luffy tearfully bid Shanks farewell and began training to become stronger in order to fulfill his promise.
10 Years Later
Notes on Luffy:
Luffy redefines the meaning of “adventurous”. One Piece author Eichiro Oda has actually given Luffy a signature eye sparkle every time the possibility of a new exploration or opportunity for an adventure pops up. It is important to realize that Luffy has no concept of what being a pirate is by standards that exist in our world. One may conjure up images of a grotesque black-toothed pirate pillaging and raping villages under the Jolly Roger. Luffy has no desire for any of that, his goal is to have as much fun while living as possible, to see new things and to go to new places. Make no mistake, he is not trying to become a better person, Luffy’s personality, loyalties and perspective on life have remained relatively unchanged since the story began. He has no desire to better himself as a person, he simply wants to do and see as much as possible in his life. As clearly illustrated during his encounter with a certain villain in Logue Town, Luffy does not care if he should die at any time or place. In this sense, Luffy is living the true pirate life as it exists in the world of One Piece. Note that the pirates obsessed with destruction and material wealth are the ones who fall at the hands of Luffy and his expanding crew.
Luffy’s origin remains a mystery as of this writing. However, every week we come closer and closer to finding out who he is, where he comes from, and why is it his “fate” to follow the path of Shanks and a few others. There are several secrets about Luffy that have not yet been revealed.
Luffy’s most prized possession and “treasure”, as you may have guessed, is his straw hat. The hat given to him by Shanks is more important to him than his own life. His devotion to it was first seen during his battle with Captain Buggy. Buggy stabbed the hat and sent Luffy into a rage. After the battle, Nami was able to mend the holes in the hat for him. Luffy rarely parts with the hat. He once put it on Nami before the battle with Arlong.
In order to regain his strength, Luffy needs either to eat red meat or take a nap.
Luffy’s birthday is May 5th. The gag behind this is, May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan and Luffy is nothing but a big kid.
It is very difficult for Luffy to pay attention to serious conversations. Often he will listen to half of a lecture (or less) when being told something important.
His friends mean as much to Luffy as his straw hat. He will do anything for them.
Unfortunately Luffy has a hard time remembering people’s names, locations or expressions and often confuses them, sometimes with disastrous results.
The first bounty placed on Luffy was 30,000,000 Belly, which was after he defeated Arlong and threatened the corrupt Marine Captain of the 17th Division, Nezumi. After defeating Sir Crocodile a 100,000,000 Belly bounty was placed on his head.
Luffy’s distinct laugh is: “Heeheehee~”
Brace yourself. According to Oda in various SBS installments, Luffy's arm can stretch 72 Gomu Gomu's. 1 Gomu Gomu is equal to 10 Maerchen Gomu Gomu's. (Maerchen is German for 'fairy-tale' which in Japanese, "meruhenchikku", means kind of fantasy-like) 1 Maerchen Gomu Gomu is equivalent to 10 Funky Gomu Gomu's which means that he can stretch 7,200 Funky Gomu Gomu's. A Poison Gomu Gomu is equal to 10 Gomu Gomu's. Make sense? I HOPE NOT!
According to Oda, Luffy most resembles a monkey....DUH
Although not officially ranked as one of the top five liars in the series thus far, Luffy is close to being in the running. His lies are often related to whether or not he devoured the ship’s emergency rations.
Strength and Weaknesses
Luffy cannot be crushed, at least not as far as we know. Normal punches or blows do not effect him, however particularly powerful attacks from formidable opponents may injure him and cause bleeding. Normal bullets will also bounce away from Luffy’s body harmlessly, however, since rubber may be cut or sliced, Luffy may also be cut. Luffy is also susceptible to hunger and dehydration. And last but not least, since Luffy ate the Devil’s Fruit, he loses the ability to function well in water and may become immobilized or weak. He also loses his Gomu Gomu abilities when submerged. In that same vein, Luffy is powerless when in the presence of Seastone, a unique metal that the Marines have built their prisons with. It emits the same type of energy as the ocean and therefore has the same effect as being in water for people who have eaten Devil’s Fruit. Some characters even have weapons constructed of Seastone.
Luffy Spoilers
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